

April 8, 2011

Thanks to my blog visitors worldwide!

It's funny to know that I have already a number of worldwide visitors.
Here's the summary I screen-captured:

I hope I can receive positive comments from them all.

My First Vermi for Composting

On April 14th, 2011  the supplier of African Night Crawlers from a farm in Laguna will hand me down the 3 kilos of this kind of earthworm typically used in composting.
Again this will be another test project.
Photos and video will be post soon.

ALB breeding stage live via Ustream !

For those avian lovers around the world, the breeding stage of these african lovebirds can now be monitored live worldwide via Ustream.
I have installed and  initially started the camera today, 8th April 2011.
The camera will later focus on eggs hatching  until the time of  their first flight.

The live feed can be viewed via this link: (initially available only when my PC is open)

The video quality is somewhat blurred in the website. I had tried the Adobe offer, but its a trial download which means later I have to purchase for a better quality. But still its not a garantee since there's a lot of factors in maintaining a good signal quality.
Anyway, the only option I see for now is changing to a better camera source and improving my internet speed, to have a better broadcast.